Every year, come about April or May, we see that the resolutions we set for the “new us” during the beginning of the year are basically crumbling because of our lack of focus and discipline. First of all, don’t be hard on yourself, WE ARE NOT PERFECT! This time, I want you to focus on taking steps to be the best version of yourself, instead of trying to set unrealistic expectations.

How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

Now, I do believe in pushing yourself to reach the goals you set this year, but make sure those goals align with your own personal growth. You are your biggest competitor; push yourself to be better than you were the day before. Every year we fill our list up with the usual resolutions (for instance, lose more weight, work out more, eat healthier, etc.).

All of those things are important to our physical state of health, however, we tend to forget about resolutions that will contribute to our mental health. So this year add more “ME TIME” to your list. Sometimes, we work so hard managing our day to day lives that we never make time to really unwind and relax. Of course, everyone has their own ideas of what “me time” may actually consist of, but here are some non-negotiables that I believe should be on your list:

More time and activities for relaxation.

We need to make time to mentally check out from our busy lives and give our bodies a chance to rest. You can do this by cutting time out of your schedule to book a facial to feel refreshed and energized after a workout, or even a deep tissue massage to work out those knots and kinks you might have from sitting at your desk at work all day. Making time for the things that bring you fulfillment.


We need to cut our screen time in half! Try to monitor the time you spend watching tv or scrolling through your social media timelines.

Being aware of the state of your mental health.

Your mental health is just as important as you physical health. Sometimes days can get hard and things and get stressful, so this year let’s focus on how to turn those lemons into lemonade. Try getting a journal to write down your ideas, goals, or whatever comes to mind or cutting at least 5 minutes a couple of times out of your day for meditation. Meditation is the key to clarity – those moments of solitude and stillness can fill you with so much inner peace and ease.

Adding affirmations to your life.

Affirmations are used to train our subconscious mind to believe things about ourselves and create the reality we want. This is also called the law of attraction – the idea of your thoughts becoming things. The energy you put into the universe, you shall receive. When you see your mind indulging in the negativity, your more than likely to experience some sort of negativity in your life. Affirmations keep us mentally disciplined and focused.

They key to writing effective affirmations is making sure that they are written in first person, that they are positive, emotionally charged, and in a present state. So for a example, “I am healthy and strong, I love when my body feels energized and renewed when I make healthy choices.

Keep those things in mind when creating your own personal affirmations for yourself this year. Feel free to change them weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. Do whatever you feel is best for you!

Our future is filled with so much promise, let’s take advantage of it! Here’s to personal growth and development!

Post written by FFC contributor.

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