

30-minute recipe - try the souping diet (why soup is great for you) nutrition tips FFC

30-Minute Recipe: Try the Souping Diet

Ever heard of souping? If you haven’t already, you likely will. Souping has been touted as “the new juicing.” Before you roll your eyes, take a look at what the trend entails and how it can make eating healthy during these…

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Food & Drink

Best Bars in Chicago’s South Loop

Narrowing down the best bars in Chicago’s South Loop is like trying to choose your favorite group fitness class — it can be done, but it sure isn’t easy! For instance, some days you need that extra blast of cardio, while other…

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Nutrition 101: how to balance macros - nutrition

Nutrition 101: How to Balance Macros

It’s 5 PM and you’ve almost hit your daily 60-gram macro limit for fat (or some other type of macro), and you haven’t even had dinner yet. What’s a flexible dieter to do? How do you balance macros? This is…

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Top 12 ways to burn body fat - fitness tips

Top 12 Ways to Burn Body Fat

Generally, fat loss is one of the most popular goals for those following an exercise and diet program. With all the information available at our fingertips, however, the sheer amount of best practices, tips, and tricks out there can be…

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