Heather Hamilton is a group fitness manager and Performance Training Center coordinator at FFC. Check out her curated playlist!

About Heather: Heather is the group fitness manager and PTC coordinator for FFC Boystown, FFC Lincoln Park, FFC Old Town, and FFC Gold Coast. She has been a fitness professional for 11 years and teaches many group fitness classes at FFC. Heather is also a nationally qualified competitive powerlifter and a certified exercise physiologist. In her spare time she enjoys gaming and playing with her rescue puppy named Larry.

Go to workout song: anything “chill” or “EDM” – no particular song. I mostly enjoy experiencing the sounds of the gym around me while working out; no ear buds.

Why music is so important related to fitness:  Music is medicine; it can decrease stress, help you fall asleep – while working out, it can help motivate you, enhance physical performance and increase endurance.