In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Emily has completed her 12-week program – did she accomplish her goal to squat 180 pounds? Find out below.
Twelve weeks ago, Emily started her Day One program with the goal to squat 180 pounds. Let’s take a look back at weeks 9 – 12 of Emily’s program to see if she accomplished her goal!
Week 9
When we last checked in with Emily, she was experiencing some pain from her training. Now, she’s feeling nervous about further injury as she heads into the home stretch of her program.
“I’m feeling nervous because last week I had some tricep pain,” Emily said. “I took the extra rest day, which is great, but I’m really just wary of I think risk of injury, and I also don’t love that this is happening two weeks before the big lift.”
Related: Missed the beginning of Emily’s journey? Click here to catch up.
Week 10
As the final week of her program approaches, Emily’s friends and family offer messages of support for Emily’s hard work.
“I just want to say how proud I am of my daughter Emily,” her mom said. “She’s worked so far to reach her goals.”
Emily’s sister, who helped inspire Emily to start strength training, also expressed how proud she was of her sister.
Finally, Emily’s boyfriend Aaron shares how Emily’s confidence has grown through the course of the program.
“One thing I can say about Emily is that she is much more confident about lifting and working out in general,” he said. “Before, she told me she was a little bit intimidated about lifting heavy and having to get the big giant squat rack on her, but now she’s just jumping to it. And shoot, she can squat me now!”

Week 11
The big day is finally here!
“Today I am going to attempt 180 pounds and I’m so excited,” Emily said.
Watch the video above to see Emily head to the squat rack for her final rep.
Related: Here’s What Emily Worked On In Weeks 5-8.
Week 12
Now that Emily’s goal has been accomplished, we check in with her to hear about her experience with the program and working with her trainer Kyle.
“It’s been a rollercoaster,” Emily said. “Now [that it’s over], I feel the after-lift blues a little.”
FFC Personal Trainer Kyle Decker trained Emily to increase her squat to 180 pounds over the course of the program. Emily had this message for Kyle after the program:
“Hi Kyle – I wanted to say a huge thank you to you because not only are you professional skilled and taught me so much, but I think you really cared for me during this whole three month journey, Emily said.
Kyle also had a message for Emily after the program:
“Emily, I didn’t doubt you a minute,” Kyle said. “This entire journey has been great. You’ve done everything I asked of you, and I’m so proud of you for hitting your goal. I look forward to helping you achieve many other fitness goals.”
Congratulations, Emily, on accomplishing your goal! We can’t wait to continue supporting you on your health and fitness journey!
Check out all of our Day One participants’ journeys by following along on our YouTube channel!

Post written by FFC Contributor Natalie Casper.